Happy New Year ! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo a todos! ¡
“Imperial Russian Ballet” & “Maria Pilar Izquierdo dance academy” from Valencia , Spain

“Мы как маяк в чей-то шторм!”
Interview with Prima Ballerina Lina Sheveleva
“PRENSA RUSA PRODUCCIÓN”,news portal and creative workshop in Spain
Gediminas Taranda. Судьба человека с Борисом Корчевниковым
Channel “Russia 1”
Performance of Imperial Russian Ballet in Canberra
Embassy of the Russian Federation in Australia

Behind the scenes…..photographer Bruce Moyle
5 minutes to the premiere of the new version of Gediminas Taranda “Princess Aurora’s Wedding”, Australia

The classical pirouettes and more about to hit Australian stage
Interview for “SBS” Radio, Australia
Principals Lina Seveliova & Anna Pashkova

INVITATION: “The Best of Tchaikovsky”
INVITATION: “The Best of Tchaikovsky”
…THUR, 4 MAY, Сultural center “Moskvich”
Lina Sheveleva , “Around the story”
EA films -Social video marketing (SVM)
Сати. Нескучная классика… with Gediminas Taranda
Channel “Kultura”

“С днем рождения , Маэстро!”
The Charity Concert with the participation of artists of “IRB”
THU , 22 FEB , House of the Unions
Звезда на Звезде . Gediminas Taranda
Channel “Zvezda”